

英漢字典: take on

1. employ雇傭

    Our factory will take on twenty more workers next month. 我們廠下個月將再雇用20名工人。

    No more workers are being taken on at present. 眼下不再招收工人。

2. undertake 承擔

    She takes on extra work on Sundays. 她星期天還承擔了額外工作。

    Is he willing to take on the responsibility?他願意承擔責任嗎?

    I'll take the work on,but I can't tell you exactly when I'll finish it. 我會承擔這項工作,可我不能確切地告訴你什麼時候完成。

    You should never take on more than you can do. 你切莫承擔力不能及的工作。

3. become excited;show great emotion(excitement,grief or anger)激動;表現出強烈的感情(激動、悲痛、氣憤等)

    At the news of her husband's death she took on like a mad woman. 聽到丈夫逝世的消息,她傷心得象瘋了一樣。

    She took on something dreadful when she was accused of telling lies. 當被指控說謊時,她的臉部表情很可怕。

    She took on terribly when her sister was so badly hurt. 妹妹受傷這麼厲害,她傷心得不得了。

    The indignant passenger took on about the rudeness of the bus conductor. 憤怒的乘客對公共汽車售票員的粗魯無禮發起火來了。

4. put on;take the appearance of;start to have the look of披上;帶上;呈現面貌

    Our institute has taken on a new look recently. 我們學院最近面目一新。

    The city took on a festive air. 全市呈現出一派節日景象。

    After the students put up Christmas decorations,the classroom took on a holiday appearance. 同學們掛上聖誕裝飾後,教室裡呈現出一片節日的景象。

    His writing has taken on a very peculiar style. 他寫的作品體現了一種非常獨特的風格。

5. be generally adopted;become popular 被普遍接受;受大家的歡迎

    The idea somehow failed to take on. 那主意不知為何未被大家接受。

    The new style didn't take on,so it was quickly dropped. 這種新式樣沒有能夠流行,于是很快就被淘汰了。

    I didn't expect pointed shoes to take on,but they have. 我原來以為尖頭皮鞋不會流行,可還真的流行了。

6. accept as an opponent in a contest;accept the challenge of(在競賽中)接受…作為對手;接受…的挑戰

    We knew their football team was bigger and stronger,but we took them on anyway and beat them. 我們知道他們的足球隊比我們強大,但是我們仍然和他們比賽,而且把他們打敗了。

    I don't mind playing against a beginner,like myself,but I'm not going to take on someone who has been playing chess for years. 跟一個象我自己一樣的初學者比賽我不反對,但是我不會接受和一個下了多年棋的對手進行比賽。

7. load; receivefor carrying; be loaded with; allow to enter裝載;接納;允許進入

    The tanker took on water at that port. 油船在那個港口加了水。

    A big ship was at the dock taking on automobiles in crates to carry overseas for sale. 一艘大船停在碼頭上裝載用板條箱運送的汽車,將它們運到海外去銷售。

    The bus driver stopped to take the children on. 公共汽車停下讓孩子們上車。

8. absorb; acquire吸收;獲得

    The cloth took on red from the skirt that was washed in the same tub. 那塊布跟裙子在一個盆裡洗染上了紅色。

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